What are Non Medical Expenses in Health Insurance?

It is a matter of fact that buying health insurance plans does make a person carefree about the financial burden laid out at the time of a health care need. But does that mean anything, and everything used for medical treatment will be covered under a health insurance policy? You need to think about it twice, as there are a bundle of non medical expenses in health insurance, which are not covered under any health insurance plan. The surprising thing is that a majority of policyholders are not aware of the non-medical expenses listlaid out by the IRDAI or Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India.

Perhaps, this is the reason that despite seeking cashless treatment under a health plan at a network hospital, they are charged for certain things which come as a shock to them. What are these charges for? Well, these are the charges for the non medical expenses or non-reimbursement expenses in a health insurance policy.

In this article, we aim to enlighten you with what are these so-called non medical expenses in insurance. Stay tuned to learn about the non-medical expenses listing health insurance in detail.

What are Non Medical Expenses in Health Insurance?

Everyone must buy a health insurance plan to ensure safety against medical expenses in case of a health care need. With an appropriate health insurance policy under your belt, you feel safe and secure to deal with the medical expenses of your family. However, in order to avoid the misuse of such health insurance plans, IRDA has laid down some strict claim rules and regulations. For this, IRDAI has kept certain expenses entitled as non-medical expenses.These are optional items used during hospitalization or medical treatment that are not counted as medical expenses under a health insurance plan.

In a layman’s language, non medical expenses are the out-of-the-pocket expenses that a policyholder has to pay on his/her own while availing of medical treatment. Also known as non-reimbursable medical expenses, these non medical expenses are comparatively lower expenses that can be easily taken care of by the policyholder without being covered under the medical coverage of any health insurance policy.

IRDA Guidelines for Non Medical Expenses List

As a potential policyholder eager to buy a health insurance plan, it is important to be aware of what is not included under medical coverage in such plans. Even the best health insurance plans abides by the IRDAI guidelines for non-medical expenses list. Have a look at the list of non medical expenses as per IRDAfor a better understanding of health insurance policies:

  • Nebulizer Kit
  • Thermometer
  • Mineral Water
  • Baby Food
  • Food Charges
  • Beauty Services
  • Laundry Charges
  • Attendant Charges
  • Carry Bags
  • Belts and Braces

List of Non Medical Expenses During a Treatment

IRDAI further counts certain objects and services as non-medical expenses during a medical treatment covered by a health insurance plan. These are:

  • Registration or Admission Charges
  • Dietician Charges
  • Disinfectant or Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Blood Reservation Charges
  • HIV Kit
  • Infusion Pump Cost
  • Vaccination Charges
  • Mouth Paint
  • Antiseptic Mouthwash
  • Urine Container

List of Non Medical Expenses for Hospital Procedures

There are quite a number of things that are used for hospital procedures that are not covered under medical expenses. Here is a list of non-medical expenses for such hospital procedures:

  • Apron
  • Eye Shield
  • Surgical Drill
  • Cotton
  • Gauze
  • Disposable Razors
  • Eye Pads
  • Hair Removal Creams
  • Surgical Blades or Shaver
  • X-Ray Film
  • Endoscopy Instruments
  • Camera Cover

List of Non Medical Expenses During Hospital Room Rental Charges

Be it a planned or unplanned hospitalization, you often need to rent a room in a hospital. The following items are considered non-medical expenses during a hospital room rental charge:

  • Gown
  • Toothbrush/ Toothpaste
  • Slippers
  • Comb
  • Hand Wash
  • Caps
  • Tissue Paper
  • Pulse Oximeter
  • Housekeeping

Other Miscellaneous Non Medical Expenses in Health Insurance

Apart from the above-mentioned non-medical expenses, there are some other items that are not covered under health insurance plans. Here is a list of such miscellaneous non medical expenses:

  • Paper Gloves
  • Brush
  • Powder
  • Towels
  • Medicine Box
  • Bandages, Syringes, Needles
  • Digestion Gels
  • Barber Charges
  • Referral Doctor’s Fee
  • Washing Charges
  • Maintenance Charges

How to know about Non Medical Expenses in a Health Insurance Plan?

The trick is simple as reading the terms and conditions of a health insurance plan at the time of purchase. All health insurers generally provide you with a complete non-medical expense list.You must not ignore reading that list before buying a health insurance policy. The same information can also be checked on the official website of the various health insurance companies. Be very sure of what is included, and what is not included in a health insurance plan offered by a health insurer to avoid any confusion at a later stage when you want to get medical coverage for the same.

Can You Cover Non Medical Expenses in Your Health Insurance Plan?

Yes, you can choose to cover these non-medical expenses by paying an additional premium, and getting them as an add-on coverage with your plan. These days, many health insurance companies are trying to attract policyholders by offering them coverage even for non-medical expense. However, as we said before you buy such plans check for the additional premium raised for these extra coverages


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Paybima Team

Paybima is an Indian insurance aggregator on a mission to make insurance simple for people. Paybima is the Digital arm of the already established and trusted Mahindra Insurance Brokers Ltd., a reputed name in the insurance broking industry with 17 years of experience. Paybima promises you the easy-to-access online platform to buy insurance policies, and also extend their unrelented assistance with all your policy related queries and services.

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