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Pradhan Mantri health insurance for senior citizens

Health insurance is essential to protect one from the financial burden of medical expenses. But it is even more urgent for senior citizens. It was against this backdrop that the Indian government implemented a Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PM-JAY) within its Ayushman Bharat Scheme of comprehensive health insurance: designed to cover economically weaker sections including senior citizens and provide them an opportunity for care that they might not otherwise have obtained.  

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Best health insurance for senior citizens in India

As people grow older, health becomes increasingly important and requires more attention. Senior citizens, in particular, need higher medical expenses, for which having reliable health insurance is essential. In India, there are a variety of medical insurance for senior citizens particularly suited to their needs. 

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Health Insurance Plans for Self-Employed

The life of a self-employed person brings freedom, flexibility, and control unmatched by other kinds of employment. At the same time, it carries a host of challenges like lack of employer-sponsored health insurance. 

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