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Roth IRA – What is a Roth Individual Retirement Account (IRA), Check Features & Benefits?
5 Top Investment Options in India to get 50,000 Pension per Month, 2025
Unless you have planned well for your life after retirement, you may have to face a financial crunch in your old age. Let us take a look, in this post, as to how one can plan to receive a 50K pension per month after retirement to lead a comfortable life.
What is DAB and How to Claim Double Accident Benefit (DAB) with LIC?
Insurance is a safety net that safeguards against uncertainties in life. One significant aspect of insurance is the rider facility available with the basic policies. Double Accident Benefit or DAB is one such rider that can be attached to an insurance plan to enhance its layer of protection. LIC has a range of policies that are available for the growing base of customers of the insurer, such as pension plans, term insurance policies, whole-life policies, endowment plans, money-back policies, and ULIPs, among others. Besides the plans, LIC also offers its customers rider benefits, which can be added to a base plan to enhance the coverage under the policy. These riders are available at nominal prices. One such significant rider is the DAB or Double Accident Benefit rider. In this post, we will discuss the various details related to this rider, including DAB meaning.
How Important is Health Insurance for Children?
With increasing healthcare costs, keeping your child healthy has become more important. Health Insurance for kids provides easy access to online medical treatment for children without putting any financial strain on the family. Health insurance coverage for children should also assist with preventive checkups and emergencies. It gives you peace of mind and helps keep things within the budgeted standard. From preparing for the unknown with proper insurance against unforeseen and unexpected illnesses to planning for a safety net against regular healthcare needs, health Insurance is one of the essential aspects that every parent must understand and secure. Now, let us discuss why health insurance for children is an absolute must and how to find the most inexpensive option available while looking at some of the top low-cost health insurance children’s plans.
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