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Benefits of Converting Your Employer’s Health Insurance to an Individual Health Plan In India

Are you planning to switch jobs? Do you know that you can convert the medical insurance offered by your employer into an individual health insurance plan? Read to know all about it. So, what is an Employer Health Insurance plan? It is an insurance policy that is offered by organizations to qualified employees to secure their health. In most cases, the health insurance plans offered by employers also cover family members of the employees. These employer health insurance plans are also termed as corporate health plans or group health insurance plans. So, let us understand more about the corporate health plans.

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Benefits of Dengue Cover in Health Insurance – What is Covered & Not Covered in Dengue Cover Policy

Dengue Insurance Cover The pandemic has rocked the world and made us realize the importance of buying a health insurance policy. Offering oodles of benefits to the policyholder, health insurance plans save one from the financial burden caused in case of some health emergency. Every single day, the health insurance sector is expanding its arena by offering special plans and coverage to consumers. One such lucrative cover to consider when buying the best health insurance plan is the Dengue cover. So, is Dengue covered under mediclaim? Let’s know about it in this article. But before talking about health insurance cover for dengue, it is imperative that one knows about dengue fever.

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A Guide to Buy Health Insurance Plans for Women

Women essay multiple roles suiting the requirements of their family. Besides being an excellent homemaker, a woman can also be a superlative career woman if she puts her mind to it. In fact, women have, in recent times, achieved excellence in both business and service. There are many women entrepreneurs and employees who have made a name for themselves. However, when it comes to buying a health insurance plan, ignorance is common among most women.  

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