Powerful Yoga Mudras – Types of Hand Mudras in Yoga

Yoga is an ancient art that originated in India but has enlightened people all over the world. Known as India’s biggest gift to the world, yoga serves as a medium to connect our souls with our inner strength. The power of yoga is not limited to physical well-being but it goes beyond to give us mental strength. Read on to learn about powerful yoga mudras in this post.

Importance of Yoga Mudra

So, what is Mudra? Yoga is a distinct field of art, which is based entirely on the Ayurveda principles. The Mudras in Yoga are considered to have therapeutic modality. Mudra in Sanskrit means gesture. Mudra can be formed using your entire body or it can involve simple positions made with fingers and hands. Mudras done together with pranayamas invigorate the body’s prana flow. This in turn energizes various body parts.

Functioning of Yoga Mudras?

In Ayurveda, it is said that the illnesses are caused mainly because of our body’s imbalance. This imbalance is caused either due to the access or lack of one of the five elements of the universe.

As per Ayurveda, human fingers are said to have the features of these five universal elements. All these elements serve an essential function within our body. Our fingers are like the electrical circuits which can be used and adjusted in a way to give direction to your body’s energy flow. This, in turn, affects the equilibrium of the five elements of the universe namely; air, water, fire, earth, and ether to facilitate the healing process.

The mudras that we made by hand create a delicate connection between the brain’s intuitive patterns and affect the reflexes that are lying unconscious. On the other hand, the inner energy stays balanced and they bring variation in tendons, veins, sensory organs, glands etc.

Most mudras in yoga are done while sitting in Vajrasana (Lotus Pose) in a cross-legged position. While practicing the mudras, Ujjayi breathing technique of breathing twelve times in each mudra is followed.

Different Types of Mudras in Yoga and their Benefits

1. Chin Mudra:

  • Lightly hold the index and thumb finger together. Let the other three fingers extend
  • Let the index and thumb finger touch each other without any pressure being exerted
  • Make the rest of the three fingers in extended and straight position
  • Place the hands on your thighs with an upward facing direction
  • Now, relax and observe your breathing flow and its outcome

Chin Mudra Benefits

  • It aids in better concentration and retention power
  • It helps in improving your sleep pattern
  • It increases body’s energy levels, and
  • Also alleviates the pain in your lower back

2. Chinmaya Mudra:

This is another significant yoga mudra. Here are the steps to get this mudra perfect:

  • Make a ring with the thumb and the forefinger with both hands. Curl up the rest of the three fingers into your palms
  • Now, place the hands on your thighs and let the palms face upward. Take deep Ujjayi breath
  • Again, observe the breathing flow and its impact

Chinmaya Mudra Benefits

  • This mudra improves energy flow in your body
  • This is a mudra for digestion

3. Adi Mudra:

Adi Mudra is yet another powerful mudra of yoga. Here are the steps that you can follow to practice it:

  • Place the thumb at your little finger’s base. Curl up the rest of the fingers on the top of the thumb. This will form a fist in your palm
  • Once again, place the palms on the thighs facing upwards direction
  • Concentrate on breathing like in other mudras

Adi Mudra Benefits

  • This mudra cools nervous system
  • It limits the snoring of people at sleep
  • The mudra further expands the oxygen flow to reach the head
  • It also enhances lung capacity

4. Brahma Mudra:

To get this mudra right, do the following:

  • First use your fingers to make Adi Mudra. Now, place both your hands in that mudra
  • Let the knuckles touch each other
  • Now, tuck your hands close to the navel. Let the fingers stay in the upwards facing direction
  • Once more, observe how the breathing flows

To Conclude

FAQs: Powerful Yoga Mudras - Types of Hand Mudras in Yoga

As per Ayurveda, if there is an imbalance in the five main essentials of the universe, they lead to diseases. In ayurveda, the fingers represent the following:
~ Thumb finger connotes fire
~ Index finger connotes air
~ Central or middle finger connotes space
~ The ring finger signifies earth
~ Lastly, the little finger denotes water

Mudra means gesture in Sanskrit language. Mudra might involve the simple hand movements or it may involve the movement of the entire body. Mudra together with breathing techniques arouse the flow of prana in our body. Mudras done with the help of fingertips produce a link with the brain. This regulates the reflexes connected to affected body parts.

The Anjali Mudra plays a critical role to harmonise the brain’s left and right hemispheres. It also improves blood’s oxygen circulation. Further, it increases the intuitive power while keeping a balance between the adrenal and pituitary glands. This makes your wrists and arms flexible and you can control emotions better. It also stimulates the memory power of humans.

There are different mudras that are powerful in their own way:
~ The Chin mudra helps in enhancing concentration power
~ The Chinmaya mudra enhances digestion
~ Brahma mudra lowers tiredness
~ Adi mudra helps to control snoring and relaxes the nervous system
~ Prana Mudra facilitates healing
~ Anjali mudra is helpful in creating positive thoughts
~ Apan Vayu mudra relaxes stress
~ Surya mudra is for better metabolism
~ Varun mudra is to enhance clarity in communication
~ Hakini mudra is for the mind
~ Ashwini mudra aids in helping constipation
~ Meditation mudra for concentration

Yes, definitely yoga mudras are effective. There is a strong connection between the fingertips with your brain via the neural function. Each yoga mudra functions like a bond to align energy connected with it.

Yes, the Prithvi Mudra is associated with strengthening the mind. In addition, there are other mudras like the Prana Mudra which are associated with vitality. The Ganesh Mudra is known to remove obstacles. Kali Mudra helps to overcome difficulty, while Anjali mudra is used for peace. Linga Mudra on the other hand is for strengthening and firming your lungs and limiting respiratory problems.

There is a powerful mudra in yoga which gets stimulated to energise the brain. This is done by positioning fingertips and fingers in a posture or gesture of bend, touch or overlap. The brain receives signals which help in moving the pattern of energy in the mind, body and emotions.

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