3 Ways! You can Cover New Born Baby under Health Insurance

Having a baby is a blessing. You become parents and take on new responsibilities. Your newborn brings you joy and is therefore called your bundle of joy. You do everything possible to ensure that your newborn is protected. You get proper vaccinations; ensure that your child gets proper nutrition and everything else that is required. What about health insurance for newborn? Isn’t that important for your baby too?

Health insurance is important for your new born given the high medical costs which incur in case of any unforeseen medical complication. Do you know how to get your newborn covered under your health insurance plan?

New born healthcare coverage is available in three options

Under your existing family floater plan

Under this option, if you have a family health insurance plan, you can include your new born in the coverage from the 91st day onwards. Family floater health plans cover dependent children if they are aged 3 months and above. Some plans also cover new born babies from the first day itself. You would have to inform the insurance company about the birth of your child. The company would then include your child under the coverage from the middle of the term. You have to pay the additional pro-rated premium for covering your baby. You can also wait till the policy renewal date to get coverage for your new born.

Under an existing family floater having new born baby coverage

If your family floater health plan already has existing new born baby health insurance, you would get coverage for the baby from the first day of its birth. Usually, such plans have maternity coverage too which cover the costs of pregnancy and child birth. You wouldn’t have to inform the insurance company about including the baby in the coverage. Since the plan is also covering maternity related expenses, your baby would be covered automatically from the first day. If your plan only covers new born without covering maternity, the company should be informed about covering the new born. Coverage under this option is available free of cost till the child reaches 90 days of age or till the next renewal date, whichever is earlier. Thereafter an additional premium would be required for covering the baby.

Through a new born baby rider

Many health insurance plans allow an optional rider which allows you to cover your new born from the first day of its birth. You can choose this add-on to get your new born baby health insurance covered. An additional premium would be payable for choosing the add-on. If the add-on rider is selected, the new born is covered till 3 months without any additional premium.

If you want new born health insurance, you can choose from any of these three options.


Cover New Born Baby under Health Insurance

In India, there are no distinct individual health insurance plans for newborns. After the baby has been born for 90 days, you can either add them to the family floater health insurance plan, cover them under a maternity health insurance plan, or purchase an individual health insurance plan.

This health plan's newborn insurance policy pays for birth, cesarean sections, room and board, pregnancy complications, and newborn coverage in addition to other medical costs. It covers any infant medical issues for up to 90 days following delivery. NA for Newborn Baby Cover. Up to one crore in policy coverage.

Make sure baby is dressed in several layers when the temperature drops to keep them warm and comfortable. As a general rule, if you're feeling cold, your baby probably is too, so make sure they are dressed in one more layer than you are comfortable in.

Your maternity insurance and health insurance do cover up to two births. Some insurance companies even raise the coverage amount for the second child.

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Paybima Team

Paybima is an Indian insurance aggregator on a mission to make insurance simple for people. Paybima is the Digital arm of the already established and trusted Mahindra Insurance Brokers Ltd., a reputed name in the insurance broking industry with 17 years of experience. Paybima promises you the easy-to-access online platform to buy insurance policies, and also extend their unrelented assistance with all your policy related queries and services.

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