Buying Health Insurance Plan Online vs Offline Which is Better and Why

Health Insurance Plans: Online vs. Offline

These days, when it comes to buying a health insurance plans you need to know which one between the online and the offline mode is better.

You may be wondering why you need to buy health insurance at all. Well, as you may have realized in the last couple of years that life is highly unpredictable and it is extremely important to take the best possible care of your health. Thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic it has now become even more crucial than it was earlier to follow a healthy lifestyle so that you can prevent the onset of a disease that may cause you to spend a lot of money on hospital bills and other treatment-related expenses.

With a health insurance policy, you can however be sure that you would at least be financially prepared to deal with the same. This is the best that you would have in this regard. There is a veritable pool of companies that are offering you such policies – you can buy them both online and offline. So, let us discover some of the benefits of buying these policies online and offline.

Why should you buy a health insurance plan online?

These days, technology has advanced significantly and the world around has become digital. This is the reason why a lot of people nowadays are looking to buy their health insurance plans on the internet. After all, it offers you so many advantages – it is a lot more convenient, involves zero paperwork, is transparent, and you get the policy in an instant as well. In these cases, you also do not have to depend on an agent to buy the plan. Instead, you can straight away check quotes from various service providers on the net – it takes a lot less time as well.

Thus, when you buy these policies online you can be sure that you would get the best health insurance in keeping with your needs. After all, the internet provides you with all the information that you need in these cases such as policy coverage, premium rates, exclusions, and terms & conditions, to name a few. This way, you can make an informed decision before you buy the policy. Having said that, the internet also makes it easier for you to compare all the options that you have in this regard by providing you with all the information in the same place.

Why should you buy a health insurance plan offline? 

No matter how you buy it, you have to make sure that you get as close as you can to getting the best health insurance in India. Now, buying health insurance offline is the ideal option for people who are not tech-savvy as such. These are people who are not so comfortable using the likes of the internet or computers. So, they can physically visit the branch of an insurer or call up their agents so that they can get answers to the questions that they have in this context.

When you buy health insuranceoffline you can get the help of the agents who would help you with all the issues that may arise in such a policy. Let us say that you are unable to understand any particular term. Your agent can come in and explain all the terms properly to you. They can also help you fill out your proposal form properly. These agents have years of experience of working in the industry and so they can also help you find the right plan as per the requirements that you have in these cases.

How do the online policies differ from the offline ones?

There are several areas of difference between buying such policies online and offline. When you buy health insurance online it costs you much less for the same plan compared to what would pay for offline. In terms of paperwork, buying a policy online is also lot more convenient. In the offline mode, you have to go through a lot of documentation to get the policy. When you buy such a policy online you can get access to genuine information regarding the insurer and the policy.

This includes key areas such as the claim settlement ratio. This is why there is a greater degree of transparency when you buy health insurance online in India. If you buy the same policy offline you would have to depend on the agent so that you can get information regarding the terms and conditions of the same. When you buy these policies online you enjoy a greater degree of flexibility than you would if you carried out the process offline. On the internet, it is also much easier to compare these policies before you buy them.

So what should you do?

So, the question that needs to be asked right now is how to buy health insurance? From the information that we have provided above, it must be rather clear to you that you should buy these policies online as that way you enjoy a lot more advantages than you would in the offline mode. When you buy health insurance online it is a lot more convenient, transparent, flexible, and time-efficient, and involves no paperwork as well. On the internet, it becomes easier for you to find the best policies from across the country.


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Paybima Team

Paybima is an Indian insurance aggregator on a mission to make insurance simple for people. Paybima is the Digital arm of the already established and trusted Mahindra Insurance Brokers Ltd., a reputed name in the insurance broking industry with 17 years of experience. Paybima promises you the easy-to-access online platform to buy insurance policies, and also extend their unrelented assistance with all your policy related queries and services.

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