How to Stay Healthy in Monsoon- Health and Safety Tips for Rainy Season

How to Stay Healthy in Monsoon?

Monsoon comes with a lot of health problems hence taking precautions is necessary. Let us learn about health and safety tips for rainy season in this blog.

In India, monsoon comes as a great respite from the blazing sun to make people rejoice. However, the season has its share of woes too. Among the many problems attached with the arrival of monsoon season include the health issues which make us sick and lethargic. This not only keeps us away from mental and physical wellbeing but can also make us lose our wealth or savings by means of frequent doctor visits.

As we know, the weather changes and the soaring levels of humidity causes infections to spread, And a weak immune system makes us susceptible to these infections disrupting our routine and life. Further, it also leads to medical expenses.

Hence, taking enough precautions throughout the period of monsoon and buying suitable health insurance plans is important during this time.

10 Common Diseases Caused in the Rainy Season

Below are some of the monsoon hazards and diseases that one has to watch out for during monsoon season:

The diseases that are borne during monsoon are spread through infected food, air, water and mosquitoes.

  1. Diseases borne out of Water –  During monsoon, you can see a large number of water borne diseases that spread among young and old. As per a WHO report, as many as 3.4 million people in India get infections due to the diseases borne out of water. These common diseases that are prevalent during monsoon season include:
  2. Fever/Typhoid – This is one of the major diseases borne out of water that spreads widely during the months of monsoon. The primary reason for the spread of this disease is bad sanitation. The symptoms include high temperature, headache, pain in the joints, and throat soreness etc.
  3. Jaundice – This is another water borne disease in rainy season that is caused by polluted water as well as sanitation issues. This disease can cause your liver to stop functioning properly, leading to major health crisis if not attended to in time.
  4. Infections in the intestine– These infections are caused by consumption of food and water that has decayed. The symptoms include vomiting, pain in the stomach, nausea and loose motion.
  5. Diseases borne out of Mosquitoes – Owing to its tropical climate, India serves as the breeding ground for various mosquito-borne diseases.  It is the season when mosquitoes breed in abundance and cause diseases like malaria and dengue, which are considered common diseases in rainy season.
  6. Dengue –  The Aedes species of mosquitoes spread Dengue and they breed in water that is stagnant.  Common symptom is high fever along with other complications at times.
  7. Malaria – Another cause of high fever during monsoon is Malaria that makes one weak. Anopheles mosquitoes cause Malaria and again poor sanitation is the contributing factor
  8. Chikungunya – Aedes mosquitoes cause this viral disease that again breeds in stagnant water. These mosquitoes are common during the day as well as at night. The symptoms include very high fever, pain in the joints, etc.
  9. Diseases borne out of Air – Air borne diseases are called diseases caused due to change in the weather.  Despite being mild, these rainy season diseases cause complications in small kids as well as among old people with weak immune systems.
  10. Flu  and Influenza – Influenza commonly known as Flu is widespread during the monsoon season. It causes conditions like a cold with a runny nose, chills, fever, etc. It spreads from person to person through airborne respiratory droplets and touching contaminated surfaces.

Health Tips to Stay Healthy During Monsoon

Monsoon is the time of the year when there is more chance of people falling sick because of the exposure to infections and pathogens. As the moisture level in this season is high, it serves as an optimal situation for airborne germs to spread.

Here are some rainy season precautions to stay fit during rainy season:

  • The first good health tip is to take proper diet and eat only healthy home cooked food to help boost immunity; meaning strengthening yourself with a nutritious diet. Also, drink boiled water to stay away from contaminated water.
  • Don’t consume street food as the chances of it being contaminated is high thus it becomes a probable source of spreading infection. Most street food items lack hygiene in terms of items cooked and served. So, the second health care tip is to avoid them and eat homemade food.
  • Wear waterproof clothes and shoes  while going outdoors during monsoon so that you do not slip or soak during rain to make yourself sick. This is another monsoon health tip to remember.
  • Keep yourself protected from mosquitoes by making sure that there is no such water source in your compound that could breed them.  Take immediate action if you spot stagnant water. This health tip for monsoon will help prevent the breeding of mosquitoes.
  • Keep yourself hydrated by taking enough water throughout the day. This way, you can lose weight and enhance immunity as well.
  • Get proper sleep of over 7 hours. Continuous sleep deprivation would increase fatigue and will lead to weakness in the body making it susceptible to infection.
  • Purchase an all-inclusive health insurance policy to prepare yourself before the onset of monsoon. This will help you to stay away from the expenses that you might have to incur in case of falling sick. With a good health protection plan, you can have peace of mind and less stress in case of hospitalization.

Why do you need a Health Insurance Policy during Monsoon?

A health insurance policy during monsoon helps to safeguard your health from the illnesses caused by monsoon. Thus it is important to stay under protection.

  • As such, the rainy season is associated with several health issues and a health plan can assure safety from them and keep you stress free.
  • A health plan will reduce your worries in terms of treatment and related expenses. You can use a cashless treatment facility under your coverage.
  • Health plans secure individuals as well as families via family floater plans.
  • You can pick an insurer that has a wide hospital network for easy access whenever required.
  • Also, you can pick add-on covers as per your requirement, such as daycare add-on, daily allowance add-on, ambulance add-on etc.


To Conclude

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Paybima Team

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