List of 10 Most Common Diseases Caused by Air Pollution

Air pollution is a serious matter that needs immediate attention. Thousands of people are suffering due to diseases caused by air pollution. Let us read more about them in this post.

Air pollution has become a major cause of concern for people across the globe. India, Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh are among some of the topmost polluted countries globally. In such a scenario, it is obvious to get sick by the polluted air. In fact, among the top 5 causes of worsening health conditions in humans, air pollution stands at the fourth position. Air pollution has contributed to a large extent in deteriorating the condition of lungs, heart and other body parts of people in different polluted cities globally.

In this post we are discussing the major causes of air pollution and the different diseases caused by air pollution.

What causes Air Pollution?

There are many elements that contribute to polluting the environment. Of course, the smoke emitted by vehicles is the top reason that contributes towards contaminating the air. Other causes include:

  • Burning of dry leaves and garbage
  • Burning of fossil fuels in different modes of transportation
  • Microbial decaying procedures
  • Wildfires during different seasons
  • Construction and demolition work
  • Bursting of crackers during festivals
  • Indoor air pollution etc.

10 Common Diseases Caused by Air Pollution

Do you know any disease caused by air pollution? You must have heard of several such diseases because they are very common these days. Some most dangerous diseases include, Chronic Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia, Lung Cancer, Lower Respiratory Tract Infections etc. Let us discuss 10 diseases caused by air pollution one by one:

1. Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is one of the most deadly diseases that begins in the lungs. Smokers are more prone to lung cancer. Even the people who are exposed to second-hand smoking can have lung cancer due to the exposure to toxins. Extreme cough, pain in the chest, voice hoarseness and wheezing sound in your voice along with loss of weight are some symptoms of lung cancer.

2. Asthma

This is one disease that is commonly caused by pollution. People suffering from Asthma find it difficult to breathe. This happens because in Asthma the interior wall of the airways  in the lungs becomes swollen and inflamed and they produce extra mucus. This is a chronic condition that stays for a long time causing breathlessness in the patients. Asthma make it challenging for people to carry on their daily activities.

3. Chronic Bronchitis

Chronic bronchitis is another disease that is similar to Asthma. This disease is caused due to extended exposure to dangerous gases such as nitrogen oxide as well as due to the greater PM level in the air. Chronic bronchitis occurs if there is a long-term swelling of the bronchi. Bronchi are the large tubes that are connected to your windpipe. The air you breathe is directed towards your left or right side of your lungs by the bronchi. Chronic bronchitis can easily affect other lung infections.

4. Pneumonia

The next common disease caused by air pollution is pneumonia. In this illness air sacs in your lungs (one or both) get infected and swollen. These sacs get pus like fluid which make it critical for the people suffering from the disease, especially for children and elderly. It also makes breathing difficult along with causing fevers and chills. Pneumonia is caused by viruses and the bacteria in the polluted air.

5. Leukemia

Leukemia is one of the most dangerous diseases of the blood and bone marrow. The symptoms include fevers,  joint pain, bleeding, bruising, weight loss etc. Leukemia is caused commonly if one is exposed to radiation or chemicals like benzene. Also, it can cause if the person is a chain smoker or has a family history of the disease.

6. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) 

COPD is a chronic lung disease that blocks the airways to the lung making it difficult for people to breath. Chronic cough and wheezing, which are other symptoms of COPD also makes it hard for the patient to breath easily. Air pollution has a major role to play in COPD, which harms the lungs beyond repair.

7. Immune system disorders

Too much exposure to air pollution in case of prenatal and neonatal can lead to lowering of the immune system in babies making them vulnerable to several health conditions. These diseases caused to infants because of air pollution may lead to many critical issues later in life.

8. Lower Respiratory Tract Infections

This is again a lung infection caused by viruses in the air. Small children and infants who have low immunity get affected by these infections majorly.

9. Cardiovascular issues

If you are continually exposed to particulate matter  along with hazardous gases, you can have issues with the functioning of your blood vessels. As per the kind of pollutant you are exposed to and for how long, the severity of the disease depends.

10. Emphysema

Emphysema, a lung condition, causes breath shortness among people. If not given the timely and right treatment, it can be deadly.

So, as discussed above, now you know which diseases are caused by air pollution. Since many Indian cities are high in terms of pollution in the air, it is important to take measures accordingly to stay away from its harmful effects to avoid diseases.  Also, equally important is to get a comprehensive health insurance plans that covers most of the diseases caused by polluted air. With a good health cover, you can financially secure yourself against the risky diseases caused by pollution, including air, water and other sources of pollution.

Though it might seem hard to give air pollution a tough fight, it is important to take whatever small action you can to limit the effect of air pollution in your own way to contribute to a better and healthier world.

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Paybima Team

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