Significant Benefits of Yoga That Can Help You Lower Health Insurance Costs

We all know about the numerous significant benefits of yoga. But do you know that yoga can even help you in lowering your insurance costs? How?  Let’s find  out in this post.

With the rising cost of healthcare and the presence of an endless number of diseases, people these days look for ways to stay healthy so that they can avoid hospital visits and the huge expenses on medical treatment. As per health experts, stress and lethargy are major causes of lifestyle diseases. The stiff competition at work along with long hours of sitting in front of the computer make things worse. Moreover, the unhealthy eating habits of people further deteriorates the situation.

So, to give health a boost in such a situation, several wellness programs and preventive health care treatments are being introduced to help people take a step towards good health and stay away from diseases. These are not only effective but affordable as well. Yoga is one such program. Practicing yoga dedicatedly can serve as the best medicine to reduce stress and enhance the overall wellbeing of people. Among other significant benefits of yoga is that it promotes the freshness of mind and body.

Over the years, the significance of yoga has increased, especially during the period of the pandemic when people practiced yoga to get the stress and negativity away from their mind and body. Further, benefits of yoga for students, corporate and in other fields have also been established over the years. Yoga is said to limit the risk of several fatal diseases and thereby help in lowering the health insurance policy costs of individuals. Let’s see how?

How Yoga Helps to Lower Health Insurance Premiums?

As we already know that health insurance premiums depend on several factors. One such factor is the medical condition and past medical history of the insurance policy seeker. Now, if the person buying insurance is healthy and away from any pre-existing and fatal diseases, the premium levied on the person is much lower as compared to others. And among the various benefits of yoga, its regular and dedicated practice helps to keep the critical diseases at bay. Thus, the regular practice of asanas, pranayam etc. in yoga ensures your good health and keeps your health insurance costs low. In fact, the benefits of yoga asanas are such that it helps in relieving various pains, improves strength and relaxes the body.

How Yoga lowers your susceptibility against different diseases?

Critical diseases are not only scary but are costly too. So, be it a heart ailment, kidney failure or any type of cancer, these diseases are sure to cost lakhs of rupees to the patient and his family. However, if you practice yoga on a regular basis it can lower the risk of having such critical diseases at least in the early years of your life. The benefits of yoga and meditation is such that with regular and continued practice, you can limit contracting these diseases to a great extent. This, in a way, will support in availing health insurance at lower premiums. Further, you can continue renewing your insurance to avail coverage even after retirement.

Extensive coverage

With continued practice of yoga, you can enhance your body’s immunity, while it also lowers your risk of contracting diseases. Thus, with less chances of diseases, you can seek a comprehensive health plan with less exclusions and at a reasonable premium. The various coverage that you can get include Pre and Post hospitalization, in-patient hospitalization, daycare procedures, domiciliary hospitalization as well as coverage under AYUSH treatment.

No Claim Bonus

Another benefit that yoga can let you avail under your health insurance cover is the No Claim Bonus or NCB. Since you can stay healthy and away from diseases by regular practice of yoga, you become eligible for claiming NCB in your health plan. And with NCB, you can lower your insurance premium as NCB offers a discount on your premium.

To Conclude

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Paybima Team

Paybima is an Indian insurance aggregator on a mission to make insurance simple for people. Paybima is the Digital arm of the already established and trusted Mahindra Insurance Brokers Ltd., a reputed name in the insurance broking industry with 17 years of experience. Paybima promises you the easy-to-access online platform to buy insurance policies, and also extend their unrelented assistance with all your policy related queries and services.

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