HDFC Child Double Benefit Plan – Check Details and Calculator

Every parent wants to save for their child’s future by investing in different policies. One such policy is the HDFC Life Child Plan, a double-benefit plan that can be purchased to avail of the dual advantages of insurance and wealth accumulation for your child. 

Buying a policy to secure your child’s future is a very crucial decision that requires deliberation. Now, there are many things to consider before buying a plan to gain maximum returns. In this post, we discuss the HDFC Child Plan in detail, including the benefits of the plan calculator.

The HDFC life child plan calculator checks the premium rate of the plan that the policyholder has to pay to avail of its benefits. Thus, the online tool tells you about the benefits you will likely receive instead of the money you invest under the plan. The calculator uses different variables, such as inflation, interest rate, age of the child, etc., to determine the premium rate of each specific plan.

Now, let’s understand the HDFC child plan in detail.

Child Insurance Policy

So, what is a child insurance plan? A child insurance policy is like a security that parents can avail of to secure their children’s future. This is one of the practical ways to consistently save a part of your income for your child’s future. This way, you can meet the milestones set for different purposes, such as higher education for your child, their marriage, and

other life goals needing financial assistance.

What is the HDFC child insurance plan?

HDFC child double benefit plan is a traditional insurance policy for children that is available with a wide array of benefits. Under this plan, the policyholder (or the parent) buys the plan while the child is the beneficiary or the receiver of the benefits. Hence, this plan protects the future of the child under every circumstance. For example, if the insured or the child’s parent dies during the policy term without paying the complete premiums, the plan still protects the child and allows them guaranteed returns.

Overall, this policy guarantees the comprehensive protection of the young ones. Further, if the parents want to offer added benefits to the child, they can go for the Accelerated Benefit Plan. This allows the child to receive benefits in the form of Sum Assured + Bonuses at maturity or in the case of the parent’s demise. The lump sum payment your child receives in the future can take care of their higher education, marriage or career plans.

Why Should You Buy HDFC Child Double Benefit Plan?

One should buy the HDFC Child Double Benefit Plan because of its varied benefits. Here are some of the benefits that an HDFC Child Double Benefit plan offers:

1. The plan offers death benefits to the child in case of death of the insured(parents):

Since the nominee of your child insurance plan is your kid, they receive death benefits in the form of a sum assured in case of the sudden demise of the policyholder. Further, depending on the particular plan, the nominee might also receive extra benefits under the plan. For example, the insurer might waive premium payments for all the remaining premiums of the plan to allow the nominee to receive the payout as per the terms of the policy

2. The plan offers maturity benefits:

Since child insurance plans are different from regular insurance plans, the maturity benefits under such plans are received in three alternatives –

    • The child receives a lump sum amount after reaching adulthood
    • The child receives a five-year payout for their education. In this case, the child gets 15% of the sum assured per year for the next four years of college. Rest 30% of the sum assured will be offered in the final year of their education
    • The nominee receives the plan benefits to build their career. For instance, the nominee gets 15% of the sum assured in the first five years as an annual payout. The remaining 40% is paid at maturity

3. The plan offers other benefits:

Depending on the premium paying duration (if it is 10 years and above), the plan offers extra boosters to the beneficiary

What is the need for HDFC Child Double Benefit Plan Calculator?

Following are the reasons why you should use the HDFC Child Double Benefit Plan Calculator –

  • The calculator can be used to estimate the premium amount that the policyholder would pay to achieve the particular milestones of the child.
  • The calculator helps policy seekers in considering the risks linked to the plans. Depending on the customer type – risk-averse or risk-taking – they can choose a plan like ULIP or Term/Savings Plan, etc.
  • The child plan calculator also helps the policy seeker to opt for a premium that is pocket-friendly
  • As per requirement, policyholders can include riders in the child plan and calculator to see how the benefits or the premium would differ
  • The calculator also offers a detailed understanding of the assured returns available under the plan


To Conclude

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Paybima Team

Paybima is an Indian insurance aggregator on a mission to make insurance simple for people. Paybima is the Digital arm of the already established and trusted Mahindra Insurance Brokers Ltd., a reputed name in the insurance broking industry with 17 years of experience. Paybima promises you the easy-to-access online platform to buy insurance policies, and also extend their unrelented assistance with all your policy related queries and services.

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