Is Litchi Good For Diabetes? Know Benefits and Downsides of Lychee

Litchis are a source of healthy nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals. These fruits are known to be beneficial against several diseases like cardiovascular diseases, cancer, as well as diabetes. Litchi can be a part of a diabetic-friendly diet and eating this fruit in moderation is recommended for diabetic patients. This blog will help you know the benefits of litchi for diabetes.

The fruit also has plenty of fiber to help your heart stay in good condition for a long time. It happens to be rich in vitamin C as well and this helps in improving your immune system as well. It helps to keep your skin in fine fettle. So if you want to know the answer to this question – is litchi good for diabetes – the answer to that question would be yes. It indeed is!

The various benefits that litchi provides for diabetics

Litchi is blessed with several bioactive compounds that help it either reduce or prevent the complications that are associated with diabetes.

So, there you have the first benefit of eating litchi in diabetes. It provides so many nutrients to your system! It controls the levels of glucose in your system. It offers a wide range of phytochemicals that are good for your body such as the following:

  • saponin
  • stigmasterol
  • leucocyanidin
  • malvidin
  • glycosides
  • procyanidin B2 and A2

The fruit increases the amount of insulin being produced in your body. It helps your body stay cool during the hot summers of India. It has several anti-diabetic and antioxidant properties. It also has properties that help your body fight inflammation.

Litchi is also capable of reducing the effect that free radicals may have on your body. If you eat litchi it makes your immune system better. So, now we can assume that you have the answer to this question – is lychee good for diabetes?

What are the Nutritional Values of litchi?

Below-mentioned nutrients are available in one hundred grams of litchi:

  • Energy: 66 kCal
  • Water: 81.8 g
  • Carbohydrates: 16.5 g
  • Fibre: 1.3 g
  • Calcium: 5 mg
  • Potassium: 171 mg
  • Vitamin C: 71.5 mg

Litchi is a rich source of vitamin C and minerals. It has antioxidants too. It further has traces of vitamin B complex, dietary fibers, and potassium, calcium, and phosphorus. In addition, it contains beneficial phytochemicals like flavonoids.

How many litchis should a diabetic patient eat?

Just because the fruit is good for diabetics does not mean that they should not exercise any restrictions when they are eating the fruit. As a diabetic patient, you must take care of how many calories you are eating each day. So, you need to be moderate while eating these fruits.

This is because they contain a high amount of natural sugars. That too is not good for people who are suffering from diabetes? So, in case you are wondering – can diabetics eat litchi – you should now know that they can but they have to be restrained with that. However, you cannot also deny the fact that these fruits are delicious and they have health benefits that are so wide-ranging! So, if you do not have diabetes you can always eat these fruits as much as you want. They have so many health benefits to offer to you.

Litchi can boost your immunity. It also keeps you safe from heart diseases and protects you from Alzheimer’s. It has a treasure trove of fibers as well. So, to answer the question – is litchi good for diabetic patients – yes, it indeed is and there can be no doubt about that.

Do litchis have any downsides for diabetics?

As we have implied already, if you overeat these fruits they could increase the sugar count in your blood and make your diabetes worse than it already is. If you consume too many of these fruits, it can lead to internal bleeding as well and that is not good for your health.

Is litchi recommended for diabetic patients?

You may want to know Is litchi safe for diabetics or not. Well, the answer to that question is that you always can. The fruit is good and can help you combat diabetes especially when you have it in regulated quantities. The thing with these fruits is that they are chubby and sweet. If you look at the nutritional composition of the fruit you would see that it has carbohydrates along with fiber. It is more helpful than it is risky for your body.

This is where you have to exercise control in eating this absolutely irresistible fruit as we have already said. So, you should eat litchi in diabetes moderately. When you do this you can be sure that your diabetes would be controlled in the best way possible. The fruit also acts as a source of various minerals and vitamins that help nourish your body so well. So, if you are a diabetic this fruit would be a great addition to your diet. As we have said already, the fruit provides you with a diverse array of health benefits.

The fruit is naturally sweet with rich fruit sugar that does not have to be digested completely so that your body may absorb it.

So how many litchis can a diabetic eat?

As we have said already, this is one fruit that everyone likes since it is so juicy and sweet. However, it is still essential to show some control in this regard especially when you have diabetes. You should not fall head over heels for the fruit. So, you must not have more than six or seven litchi for diabetes. This is in fact a quantity that is recommended for so many other fruits as far as diabetics are concerned. Even in case you are not a diabetic you should not have more than 10 of these fruits in a day.

What are the Health Benefits of Litchi for Diabetics?

Litchi being a sweet fruit creates speculations about its health benefits for diabetes patients. Let us take a look at how litchi has a high nutritional profile and if it is helpful for people with diabetes.

As per studies, litchi has a high amount of vitamin C, which is good for your immune system. Litchi is also an excellent source of energy, which helps fight fatigue and viruses. Other benefits of litchi include:

  • Prevention against constipation, bloating, indigestion, etc.
  • Help in controlling weight because of its high-fibre content
  • It improves blood circulation and allows the body to function better
  • It also helps in purifying blood and prevents anemia by enhancing red blood cells
  • Litchi also provides the body with copper and iron

Besides, research shows that the content of flavonoids and antioxidants in litchi helps in fighting cancer, enhances cardiovascular health, and regulates blood pressure.

Manganese, phosphorus, iron, copper, and magnesium, which contribute to the development of strong bones also get boosted by consuming litchi. Litchi is also good for healthy and youthful skin.

Despite its beneficial aspects, it is important to consult your healthcare provider before consuming litchi and limit its consumption as directed by your doctor.


FAQs: Is Litchi Good For Diabetes

According to numerous studies, litchis are clearly comparable to other sweet fruits in that they are similarly packed with natural sugar. However, the type of sugar that occurs naturally in lychees is typically safe for diabetics.

According to a 2013 review in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, lychees can reduce blood sugar levels. In addition to reducing insulin resistance, lychee fruit's polyphenol oligonol may also aid with vascular issues brought on by diabetes.

Litchi is one of those fruits as well. Therefore, if you have diabetes, you should eat litchi. Litchi is also gifted with high potassium levels, which aid it in preventing blood pressure peaks. The fruit is also rich in fibre, which will keep your heart healthy for a very long period.

Litchi comes with a medium to high GI value which may cause a significant increase in blood glucose levels. However, the exact GI value of litchi depends on many factors like the type of litchi and its ripeness.

100 g of litchis contain 15g of sugar. However, due to its low GI index, you can enjoy a moderate amount of the fruit to manage sugar better.

The best fruits for people with diabetes are apples, melons, guava, oranges, and papaya.

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